SwimTools FTP now included from version 9041009 (09/10/24)
Why have we built this? – Editing the website files is a fairly simple task but for a novice operator at club level they may not have the ability. This allows clubs with no experience to create a great looking webpage with some cool features.
This is a replacement to ResPost with it’s main differences been
- Synchronise local folder with FTP instead of single file upload
- Support for subdirectories of the webpages folder
- Multiple FTP Profiles
- Built-in Stylesheet (CSS) Visual Editor
- Result Services Editor
- Add Entry Viewer to webpage / services styled using universal stylesheet
- Entry viewer includes withdrawal option
- Date of Birth Verification and/or Meet Password for all withdrawals
- Add Dynamic / Mobile Results browser to webpage / services – Thanks to AtkinsonHD for the script
- Add/Edit Logo on webpage